Retirement | Trust & Estate Pl
The changes to the UK pension industry over the last few years have been substantial therefore to ensure you are maximising your pension fund, at the same time as ensuring you are not falling foul of contribution penalties. It is extremely important to know where you are from a contribution/valuation, performance, cost and risk perspective.
According to an article in June’s Straits Times 46 per cent of millennial investors aged 18 to 39 in Singapore viewed retiring early as one of their top investment goals. To put this in context, that is double the average across Asia. They are also acutely aware that they have a longer life expectancy than their parents and therefore will require greater retirement provision.
Delivering solutions that meet that need is a challenge for us all.
Having increased your quality of life, now is the time to feel positive about your future, especially your retirement years. Meyado will help you plan for the best possible life after work.